Soul / Disney presents a Pixar Animation Studios film ; produced by Dana Murray ; story & screenplay by Pete Docter, Mike Jones, Kemp Powers ; co-directed by Kemp Powers ; directed by Pete Docter.

Joe Gardner is a middle-school band teacher who gets the chance of a lifetime to play at the best jazz club in town. A misstep takes him from New York City to The Great Before, a fantastical place where new souls get their personalities before going to Earth. Determined to return to his life, Joe te...

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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Docter, Pete (Screenwriter) Powers, Kemp (Screenwriter) Jones, Mike, 1971- (Screenwriter) Murray, Dana (Producer) (composer (expression)) Foxx, Jamie (composer (expression)) Fey, Tina, 1970- (composer (expression),) Norton, Graham, 1963- (arranger of music.) House, Rachel (director of photography.) Braga, Alice (director of photography.) Ayoade, Richard, 1977- Rashad, Phylicia, 1948- Rawlings, Donnell, 1968- Questlove Bassett, Angela Reznor, Trent Ross, Atticus, 1968- Batiste, Jon, 1986- Aspbury, Matt Megibben, Ian
Format: Video Blu-ray Disc
Published:Burbank, CA : Disney/Pixar, [2021]

Media Browsing

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Call Number: AV: Soul
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