Catharsis : on the art of medicine / Andrzej Szczeklik ; translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones ; with a foreword by Czesław Miłosz.

"The ancient Greeks used the term catharsis for the cleansing of both the body by medicine and the soul by art. In this inspiring book, internationally renowned cardiologist Andrzej Szczeklik draws deeply on our humanistic heritage to describe the artistry and the mystery of being a doctor. Mov...

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Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Egile nagusia: Szczeklik, Andrzej.
Formatua: Liburua
Argitaratua:Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2005.

Skillman Upper Level

Aleari buruzko argibideak Skillman Upper Level
Sailkapena: R723 .S9413 2005
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