American traveler : the life and adventures of John Ledyard, the man who dreamed of walking the world / James Zug.

"Called a "man of genius" by his close friend Thomas Jefferson, John Ledyard led, by any standard, a remarkable life. Between his birth to a sea captain's family in Connecticut in 1751 and his death along the Nile in Cairo in 1789, he became the original American explorer. Abando...

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Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Prif Awdur: Zug, James, 1969-
Fformat: Llyfr
Cyhoeddwyd:New York : BasicBooks, 2005.

Skillman Main Level

Manylion daliadau o Skillman Main Level
Rhif Galw: G226.L43 Z84 2005x
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