Postborder city : cultural spaces of Bajalta California / edited by Michael Dear and Gustavo Leclerc ; with contributions by Jo-Anne Berelowitz [and others].

This title concerns the postborder metropolis of Bajalta, California, which stretches from Los Angeles in the north to Tijuana and Mexicali in the south. Immigrants flock to Southern California, while corporations are drawn to the low wage industry of the Mexican border towns.

שמור ב:
מידע ביבליוגרפי
גישה מקוונת:Electronic book from EBSCO
מחברים אחרים: Dear, M. J. Leclerc, Gustavo. Berelowitz, Jo-Anne.
פורמט: ספר אלקטרוני
יצא לאור:New York : Routledge, 2003.