News media in the Arab world : a study of 10 Arab and Muslim countries /

As democracy encounters increasing difficulties, many citizens are turning to the domain of alternative politics and, in doing so, making considerable use of the Web and other new communication technologies. Clearly this is having significant impact, and new modes of political participation and even...

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Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Sarrera elektronikoa:Electronic book from EBSCO
Beste egile batzuk: Gunter, Barrie (Argitaratzailea), Dickinson, Roger, 1956- (Argitaratzailea)
Formatua: eBook
Argitaratua:New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.
  • The changing nature of news in the Arab world / Barrie Gunter and Roger Dickinson
  • Evolving news systems in the Gulf countries / Khalid Aljaber and Barrie Gunter
  • News in Iraq / Ahmed Al-Rawi and Barrie Gunter
  • The development of the Palestinian news media / Zaki Nussibeh and Roger Dickinson
  • News consumption and news agendas in Egypt / Hamza Mohammed and Barrie Gunter
  • The changing news landscape of Libya / Mokhtar Elareshi and Julian Matthews
  • News developments and changes to news consumption patterns in the Arab world / Khalid Al-Jaber and Barrie Gunter
  • News media and political socialisation of young people: The case of Bahrain / Ebrahim Al-Shaikh and Vincent Campbell
  • What is the future for news in the Arab world? / Roger Dickinson and Barrie Gunter.