Spectacles for young ladies exhibiting the various arts made use of for seducing young women, and the dreadful Consequences of straying from the Paths of Innocence and Virtue, in a Stile that cannot offend the chastest Ear; and, at the same Time that it amuses with its surprizing Variety, conveys Instruction by the most effectual Method, Example. Containing The most remarkable Histories of the Lives and Actions of those Young Women, who, conscious of their past Guilt, have dedicated the Remainder of their Time to the Service of God, and making Atonement, by Repentance, for their past Crimes, by retiring from the World to the Magdalen-Hospital, London, erected for the Reception of penitent Prostitutes. As related by themselves. In two volumes.

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在线阅读:Electronic book from Eighteenth Century Collections Online
格式: 电子 电子书
出版:Cork : printed for the proprietor, MDCCLXVII. [1767]